Flying Monkey Jeans Provide High Quality Premium Denim That Is Designed To Fit And Flatter Every Body Type, Shape And Size At An Affordable Price. Add To Cart And Enjoy Your Flying Monkey Jeans All Year Long!. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description {Color: #000;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description Ul,. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description Ul>Li {Margin-Left: 10Px;padding-Left: 10Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content Ul Li{List-Style-Type: Disc;margin: 0 0 5Px;padding-Left: 5Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description P {Color: #000;padding: 5Px 0;}@media Only Screen And (Max-Width: 1023Px){. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content Ul Li{List-Style-Type: Disc!important;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content. mar-Tab-Content Ul{Padding-Left: 10Px;}. mar-Pdp-Section. mar-Product-Description. mar-Product-Description-Content. mar-Tab-Content {Font-Weight: 300;}}Features:super Stretch: Do-It-All Stretch That Fits Your Every Move. - Black Wash - Open Ripped Detail - Finished Hem - All Pockets Are Functional - Button And Zipper Closure
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