Bristols6 Nippies Extra Coverage in Tan. Bristols6 Nippies Extra Coverage in Tan. Conceal perky or dark nipples, or fill your top out a little more with ultra-matte, ultra-thin, Invisifeel ™ silicone. Put on extra-concealing nipple pasties with adhesive and pull off any outfit when you can't (or don't want to) wear a bra. These are the perfect nipple covers for big nipples, dark nipples, and protruding nipples to keep your style smooth and your boobs concealed.. In Caramel. 100% medical-grade silicone. Re-usable. Includes one pair in a travel case. Skin-safe stick: Medical-grade adhesive holds firmly and peels off gently. BRIS-WI41. BSX-SKADEXCL. Finally, going au natural is considered fashionable again. Bristols6 lets you wear all that is revealing in fashion right now, with a natural cleavage. With all these fun assortment of nippies and covers you may not want to hide anything.
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