Atwood 3/4 Sleeve Popover Blouse Product Image
Atwood 3/4 Sleeve Popover Blouse Product Image
Atwood 3/4 Sleeve Popover Blouse Product Image
Atwood 3/4 Sleeve Popover Blouse Product Image

Atwood 3/4 Sleeve Popover Blouse

Feminine fit, drapey fabric, and just the right length for tucking in or leaving out. It's the perfect fit and look for work date nights. .mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description {color: #000;}.mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description ul, .mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description ul>li {margin-left: 10px;padding-left: 10px;}.mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description .mar-product-description-content ul li{list-style-type: disc;margin: 0 0 5px;padding-left: 5px;}.mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description p {color: #000;padding: 5px 0;}@media only screen and (max-width: 1023px){.mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description .mar-product-description-content ul li{list-style-type: disc !important;} .mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description .mar-product-description-content .mar-tab-content ul{padding-left: 10px;}.mar-pdp-section .mar-product-description .mar-product-description-content .mar-tab-content {font-weight: 300;}} Features: lightweight fabric all over silver foil diamond print detail 3/4 length tab sleeves v neck shirttail hem
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